The price of Chilli in Guntur is currently trading at Rs 12,277 a quintal. The demand is weak and arrivals from Madhya Pradesh are expected to commence from October. The crop is in good condition and production is expected to be higher than last year's. This could put pressure over prices, which might trade towards Rs 12,000 a quintal in the coming days.
The price of Jeera in Unjha is trading at Rs 18,450 per quintal. The price is expected to trade higher, towards Rs 18,500 in the coming week, following lower availability in the domestic market and festive demand. However, price gains would be capped by cheaper imports.
Prerana Desai,
Vice-president (research), Edelweiss agri services and credit, Edelweiss Agri Value Chain
The price of Chilli in Guntur is currently trading at Rs 12,277 a quintal. The demand is weak and arrivals from Madhya Pradesh are expected to commence from October. The crop is in good condition and production is expected to be higher than last year's. This could put pressure over prices, which might trade towards Rs 12,000 a quintal in the coming days.
The price of Jeera in Unjha is trading at Rs 18,450 per quintal. The price is expected to trade higher, towards Rs 18,500 in the coming week, following lower availability in the domestic market and festive demand. However, price gains would be capped by cheaper imports.
Prerana Desai,
Vice-president (research), Edelweiss agri services and credit, Edelweiss Agri Value Chain