Jeera prices in the Unjha market are trading at Rs 18,075 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs 18,300 due to expected buying at lower levels, lean season and festive demand. However, cheaper imports are likely to limit price gains.
Maize prices in Nizamabad are trading at Rs 1,936 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,800 in the next couple of weeks, following commencement of harvesting of maize across India and cheaper availability of bajra in the market.
Jeera prices in the Unjha market are trading at Rs 18,075 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade higher towards Rs 18,300 due to expected buying at lower levels, lean season and festive demand. However, cheaper imports are likely to limit price gains.
Maize prices in Nizamabad are trading at Rs 1,936 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,800 in the next couple of weeks, following commencement of harvesting of maize across India and cheaper availability of bajra in the market.
Prerana Desai,
V-P (research), Edelweiss agri services and credit, Edelweiss Agri Value Chain
V-P (research), Edelweiss agri services and credit, Edelweiss Agri Value Chain