Wheat prices in Indore are trading at Rs 2,225 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower at around Rs 2,150 per quintal over the next couple of weeks following liquidation of stocks by the government and improved sowing of wheat across India.
Soy oil
Prerana Desai, Research Head - Edelweiss Agri Services and Credit
Wheat prices in Indore are trading at Rs 2,225 per quintal. Prices are expected to trade lower at around Rs 2,150 per quintal over the next couple of weeks following liquidation of stocks by the government and improved sowing of wheat across India.
Soy oil
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Soy oil is trading at Rs 883 per 10 kilograms in the Indore market. For the week ahead, prices are expected to head towards Rs 900 per 10 kilograms. Firm global cues, mainly from palm due to supply concerns, and good demand due to attractive pricing vis-a-vis palm oil should support soy oil prices.
Prerana Desai, Research Head - Edelweiss Agri Services and Credit