Around 200 institutions and corporate houses raised Rs 2.32 lakh crore of debt through private placements during the April-December period, up 29 per cent over the corresponding period last year, Prime Database said in a report.
Corporates had raised Rs 1.80 lakh crore during the same period in the previous year.
According to Prime Database, the biggest mobilisation was made by financial institutions and banks at Rs 1.28 lakh crore, up 10 per cent over the same period last year.
While mobilisation the by private sector witnessed a significant increase of 78 per cent to Rs 75,214 crore in the first nine months of the current financial year, mobilisation by public sector companies rose marginally to Rs 20,150 crore, against Rs 18,280 crore in the corresponding period last year.
Mobilisation by state-run financial institutions went up to Rs 3,554 crore, against Rs 1,326 crore raised in the corresponding period last year, while funds raised by state level undertakings rose more than two times to Rs 5,084 crore.
"Government organisations and financial institutions put together mobilised 68 per cent of the total amount, down from 77 per cent in the year-ago period," the release by Prime Database said.
According to Prime, among government organisations, national level financial institutions or banks led with 82 per cent share, followed by 13 per cent share by PSUs, three per cent by state level undertakings and two per cent by state financial institutions.
According to the debt data base company, the highest mobilisation through debt private placements during the period was by HDFC (Rs 20,220 crore), followed by PFC (Rs 17,549 crore), REC (Rs 13,837 crore), LIC Housing (Rs 11,856 crore) and Nabard (Rs 11,079 crore).
"The financial services sector continued to dominate the market, collectively raising Rs 1.64 trillion or 71 per cent of the total debt raised followed by the power sector with a five per cent share," the release said.
Corporates had raised Rs 1.80 lakh crore during the same period in the previous year.
According to Prime Database, the biggest mobilisation was made by financial institutions and banks at Rs 1.28 lakh crore, up 10 per cent over the same period last year.
While mobilisation the by private sector witnessed a significant increase of 78 per cent to Rs 75,214 crore in the first nine months of the current financial year, mobilisation by public sector companies rose marginally to Rs 20,150 crore, against Rs 18,280 crore in the corresponding period last year.
Mobilisation by state-run financial institutions went up to Rs 3,554 crore, against Rs 1,326 crore raised in the corresponding period last year, while funds raised by state level undertakings rose more than two times to Rs 5,084 crore.
According to Prime, among government organisations, national level financial institutions or banks led with 82 per cent share, followed by 13 per cent share by PSUs, three per cent by state level undertakings and two per cent by state financial institutions.
According to the debt data base company, the highest mobilisation through debt private placements during the period was by HDFC (Rs 20,220 crore), followed by PFC (Rs 17,549 crore), REC (Rs 13,837 crore), LIC Housing (Rs 11,856 crore) and Nabard (Rs 11,079 crore).
"The financial services sector continued to dominate the market, collectively raising Rs 1.64 trillion or 71 per cent of the total debt raised followed by the power sector with a five per cent share," the release said.