Diamond Power Infrastructure has surged 10% to Rs 72, extending Friday’s 19% rally, after overseas investors acquired nearly 5% stake in the company for Rs 14 crore through the open market.
The stock opened at Rs 68 and touched a 52-week high of Rs 75.75 on the BSE. A combined 958,150 shares changed hands on the counter so far on the BSE and NSE.
On April 4, Orange Mauritius Investments purchased 2.48 million shares, representing 4.99% stake of Diamond Power Infrastructure, the BSE bulk deal data shows.
Orange Mauritius Investments bought these shares at a price of Rs 55 per share, valuing the deal at Rs 13.64 crore.
Meanwhile, Diamond Tele Cabs Private Limited, one of the company's promoters, has sold 3 million shares at Rs 55.02 per share via bulk deal.
As on December 31, 2013, Diamond Tele Cabs Private Limited held 16.57% or 8.22 million shares in the company, the shareholding pattern data shows.
The stock opened at Rs 68 and touched a 52-week high of Rs 75.75 on the BSE. A combined 958,150 shares changed hands on the counter so far on the BSE and NSE.
On April 4, Orange Mauritius Investments purchased 2.48 million shares, representing 4.99% stake of Diamond Power Infrastructure, the BSE bulk deal data shows.
Orange Mauritius Investments bought these shares at a price of Rs 55 per share, valuing the deal at Rs 13.64 crore.
Meanwhile, Diamond Tele Cabs Private Limited, one of the company's promoters, has sold 3 million shares at Rs 55.02 per share via bulk deal.
As on December 31, 2013, Diamond Tele Cabs Private Limited held 16.57% or 8.22 million shares in the company, the shareholding pattern data shows.