Dishman Pharmaceuticals set a new 2004 record, with its scrip closing on Day One at Rs 542, a whopping 209 per cent premium over the issue price of Rs 175. Thus Dishman has beaten the 179 per cent record recently set by the Power Trading Corporation (PTC). |
The Dishman stock opened at Rs 330, a 88.57 per cent premium to the issue price, and went on to hit an intra-day high of Rs 593.70, a 239 per cent premium. More than 48.01 lakh shares were traded on the BSE. Power Trading Corporation had closed Day One at Rs 44.65, a premium of 179 per cent over the Rs 16 issue price. |
Ashok Kumar, director, Lotus Strategic Consultants, said, "Institutional investors who missed out in the initial offer seem to be willing to pay a high premium in the secondary market for stocks, which have a proven business model. However, retail investors must be careful of such a strategy of looking at IPOs only from the gains on listing day." |
Dishman Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals is a Gujarat-based pharmaceutical company focused on contract manufacturing for multinational pharmaceutical companies. |
It produces quats phosponium and ammonium quaternary compounds (essentially a commodity business), specialty chemicals, active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates. Dishman Pharma had offered 34.33 lakh shares in a price band of Rs 155-175. The issue closed on April 7 and was oversubscribed 38 times. |