The US stocks ended on a weak note yesterday. The Dow Jones industrial average shed 143 points at 12,284. The Nasdaq dropped 27 points to 2,300.Indian ADRs, however, ended on a mixed note. Patni Computers surged 2.5% to $13.15, and Genpact gained 2% at $14.23. Sterlite and Wipro advanced 1.5% each to $20.29 and $11.75, respectively. Infosys was up over 1% at $41.70.On the other hand, MTNL plunged over 4% to $6, and ICICI Bank tumbled over 3% to $56.47. HDFC Bank slipped over 2% to $114.48, and Satyam was down over 1% at $26.09.