The stock has ended at Rs 1,220, up 1% from its previous close. The counter witnessed trades of 108,641 shares as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 59,413 shares on the BSE.
(Updated at 1150hrs)
Dr Reddy's up on plans of launching Liptor's generic verison in USA.
The stock opened at Rs 1,198 and soared to a high of Rs 1,219. The scrip is now trading at Rs 1,214, up 1% from its previous close. The counter has witnessed trades of 46,604 shares as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 59,413 shares on the BSE.
The company plans to launch the generic version of the world's largest selling anti cholestoral medicine 'Liptor' in the US market in the next two-three years. Liptor is an anti- cholesterol drug from pharma major Pfizer.