Rainfall has been evenly spread this year and this is a rare phenomenon. This is a boon for the farm sector. The conditions are ideal this year for a record kharif planting, agricultural experts feel.
Actual crop output, of course, will depend on performance of the monsoon in the remaining part of season and post-monsoon showers in October and early November. Crop sowing activity is reported to have gathered momentum throughout the country thanks to adequate soil moisture status.
According to the weather department, vigorous activity of the south-west monsoon was noticed over Rajasthan, Haryana (including Delhi), Uttaranchal, west and east Uttar Pradesh, Telangana and Rayalseema during the past week to 10 days.
Besides, active monsoon conditions prevailed over Punjab, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and coastal Andhra Pradesh. Widespread precipitation with scattered heavy and moderate rainfall has been recorded over the rest of the country.
However, sustained rainfall is also reported to have disrupted the harvesting and transportation of seasonal vegetables, causing prices to rise abruptly due to lower market arrivals. This may cause the inflation rate to go up marginally for a short period till supplies to markets come back to normal.
The information received by Krishi Bhawan from states indicates that the sowing of almost all kharif crops, barring paddy and jute, has been far better this year compared to last year