Everonn Education has soared over 5% at Rs 560 after reporting a 82% jump in its standalone net profit at Rs 28.10 crore for the quarter ended March 2011 over the previous year. Total income grew 37% at Rs 103 crore on a year-on-year basis.
The software education company has recorded 49% y-o-y growth in its FY11 consolidated net profit at Rs 67.64 crore against Rs 45.45 crore in the previous year.
Consolidated revenues grew 45% at Rs 425 crore from Rs 294 crore during the recently concluded financial year.
Meanwhile, the board has recommended a final dividend of 25% or Rs 2.50 a share (face value - Rs 10), subject to the approval of shareholders.
The stock opened at Rs 541 and hit a high of Rs 565 on the NSE. A combined 699,703 shares have changed hands on the counter till 1125 hours.