Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Chairman M Damodaran today said the limit on investment by foreign institutional investors (FIIs) in the bond market would go up as the markets grow. |
"There is a limit on investment (by FIIs in the bond market). It may move away as we go forward," Damodaran said addressing the Fortune Global Forum. |
"This (raising limits on FII investment) will happen over time. As markets grow, this will happen," he said. |
Damodaran, however, did not give a timeframe for raising the limit. Currently, FII investments in the bond market are capped at $4 billion. |
The Sebi chief also said the market regulator would put in place regulations on securitisation by the end of the current financial year to March. |
He said the regulator had already circulated a draft regulation on securitisation. |
On the corporate bond markets, Damodaran said the Sebi had just put in place a trading platform and volumes would improve in the next one year. |
He said the Sebi's recent steps to regulate participatory notes (P-notes) were an attempt to make the Indian stock markets more transparent. |
He said the regulator did not act in haste on P-notes as it had announced its intention to regulate unregistered foreign investors in February 2004. |
"We had put people on notice three years ago," he said. |
He said FII sub-accounts were facilitating investment in a non-transparent way. |
Last week, the Sebi had banned the issue of derivatives-based P-notes and put curbs on their fresh issuance. |