Trades between FIIs generated a volume of Rs 66 crore on the BSE Friday-an decrease of 64.40% from Rs 185 crore clocked on Thursday. As many as nine stocks witnessed trades of 7.04 lakh shares on Friday.
Pantaloon Retail was traded at highest premium of 17.06% on BSE with 47,500 shares changing hands at Rs 410 as against the spot price of Rs 350.25.
Punjab National Bank was traded at second highest premium of 7.52% on BSE with 551 shares changing hands at Rs 1,285 as against the spot price of Rs 1,195.10.
Scrip | FII Close* | FII shares# | Spot Close@ | Premium To spot price % |
BSE | ||||
Pantaloon Retail | 410.00 | 47500 | 350.25 | 17.06 |
Punjab Nat Bank | 1285.00 | 551 | 1195.10 | 7.52 |
ING Vysya Bank | 378.00 | 106736 | 370.80 | 1.94 |
Maruti Suzuki | 1419.00 | 86376 | 1411.65 | 0.52 |
Bank of Baroda | 882.95 | 331793 | 882.75 | 0.02 |
Union Bank | 320.00 | 25000 | 321.75 | -0.54 |
Dena Bank | 110.00 | 34000 | 115.10 | -4.43 |
NSE | ||||
Grasim Ind | 2399.00 | 69200 | 2319.15 | 3.44 |
Maruti Suzuki | 1440.00 | 2443 | 1413.25 | 1.89 |
* FII-Close is the closing price of the scrip under FII-to-FII trades # FII-Shares is the total number of shares traded under the FII-to-FII trades @ Spot close price is the closing price in the cash market |
Dena Bank was traded at discount of 4.43% on BSE with 34000 shares changing hands at Rs 110 as against the spot price of Rs 115.10.