Trades between FIIs generated a volume of Rs 37 crore on the BSE Monday-an increase of 174.29% from Rs 14 crore clocked on Friday. As many as five stocks witnessed trades of 3.59 lakh shares
on Monday.
Punjab National Bank (PNB) was traded at highest premium of 8.66% on the BSE with 13,943 shares changing hands at Rs 1,293 as against the spot price of Rs 1,189.95.
Scrip | FII Close* | FII shares# | Spot Close@ | Premium To spot price % |
BSE | ||||
Punjab Nat Bank | 1293.00 | 13943 | 1189.95 | 8.66 |
Grasim Ind | 2118.05 | 23097 | 2047.70 | 3.44 |
Maruti Suzuki | 1270.00 | 212416 | 1235.15 | 2.82 |
Union Bank | 344.00 | 31771 | 340.70 | 0.97 |
Rural Elect | 330.10 | 77339 | 331.80 | -0.51 |
* FII-Close is the closing price of the scrip under FII-to-FII trades # FII-Shares is the total number of shares traded under the FII-to-FII trades @ Spot close price is the closing price in the cash market |
Grasim Industries was traded at second highest premium of 3.44% on the BSE with 23,097 shares changing hands at Rs 2,118.05 as against the spot price of Rs 2,047.70.