The Sensex resumed five points higher at 6,457, and advanced further to touch an early high of 6,489 as buying was witnessed in most of the old and new economy stocks. The Sensex is now up 33 points at 6,485, while the Nifty has added nine points to 1,997.Infosys has logged 1.53% gains (Rs 31) to Rs 2,063. Wipro and Satyam are up a per cent each to Rs 641 (up Rs 5) and Rs 427 (up Rs 3), respectively.Reliance has added Rs 3 to Rs 539. ONGC has gained Rs 5 to Rs 884, and and HLL is up a rupee Rs 132, respectively. ITC, however, has eased in early trades to Rs 1,470 - down Rs 9.HDFC Bank has gained a per cent (Rs 6) to Rs 539, and ICICI Bank is marginally up at Rs 396. SBI is up Rs 3 at Rs 623.L&T has clocked a per cent gain (Rs 8) to Rs 1,025.Cement, auto and pharma stocks, too, have largely commenced with steady gains.