Oil PSU HPCL was in the limelight hitting all-time high on fund-based buying. The stock gained Rs 4 to close at Rs 481.30 as against its previous close of Rs 485.90. More than 8.3 lakh shares changed hands at this counter at the BSE. |
The stock has recovered smartly in the last few days from a low of Rs 413.75 on January 22 to today's close of Rs 481. Market sources said there is accumulation happening at this counter at lower levels. |
Also, the good third quarter numbers have attracted buying at this counter, said an analyst. HPCL's Q3 net profit surged 135 per cent to Rs 775.71 crore. |
Marketmen expect, that disinvestment will happen once the elections are over with the government offloading its 34 per cent stake in the company. |
The SC had last year stalled the sell-off process stating the divestment of the two companies would require parliamentary approval. |