Gold prices rose by Rs 324 to Rs 50,824 per 10 gram in the national capital on Friday, halting its four-day decline on recovery in international price of the precious metal, according to HDFC Securities.
The precious metal closed at Rs 50,500 per 10 gram in the previous trade.
Silver prices also bounced back and gained Rs 2,124 to Rs 60,536 per kilogram from previous close of Rs 58,412 per kilogram.
"Spot gold prices for 24 carat in Delhi halted decline by rising Rs 324, in line with recovery in international prices," HDFC Securities Senior Analyst (Commodities) Tapan Patel said.
In the international market, gold was quoting with gains at USD 1,873 per ounce, while silver was flat at USD 23.10 per ounce.
Gold prices witnessed recovery from Thursday's evening session as dollar index pared gains on US stimulus hopes, Patel added.