Steady conditions developed on the wholesale jaggery market today as gur prices, after moving both ways on alternate bouts of trading, settled at last levels.
Muzzafar Nagar and Murad Nagar gur market also remained quiet in the absence of any worthwhile trading movements.
Marketmen said arrivals and offtake almost were seen at par, thus prices have not showed any huge fluctuations and pegged same on last levels.
Following are today's quotations in Rs per quintal:
Chakku Rs 2,300-2,350, pedi 2,350-2,400 Dhayya Rs 2,450-2,500 and Shakkar Rs 2,500-2,600
In Muzaffarnagar: Raskat Rs 1,825-1,900 chakku Rs 2,125-2,300 and Khurpa Rs 2,050-2,100
In Muradnagar: Pedi Rs 2,100-2,150 and Dhaya Rs 2,100-2,150