Hawkins Cookers has dipped 18% to Rs 2,030 in intra-day trade, also its 52-week low on the BSE, after houseware maker reported 28% year-on-year (YoY) decline in net profit at Rs 5.05 crore for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1), on account of lower sales and higher advertising spends.
The company had profit of Rs 7.07 crore in the same quarter last year.
Net sales of the company in the quarter under review dropped 1.3% at Rs 95.92 crore on YoY basis.
The advertisement expenditure increased by 46% to Rs 4.92 crore in June quarter against Rs 3.37 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous year.
At 02:19 PM, the stock was down 8.6% at Rs 2,260 on the BSE. Around 36,000 shares have changed hands so far against an average 3,786 shares that were traded daily in past two weeks on the BSE.
The company had profit of Rs 7.07 crore in the same quarter last year.
Net sales of the company in the quarter under review dropped 1.3% at Rs 95.92 crore on YoY basis.
The advertisement expenditure increased by 46% to Rs 4.92 crore in June quarter against Rs 3.37 crore in the corresponding quarter of previous year.
At 02:19 PM, the stock was down 8.6% at Rs 2,260 on the BSE. Around 36,000 shares have changed hands so far against an average 3,786 shares that were traded daily in past two weeks on the BSE.