Infosys Technologies has dipped 4% to Rs 3,174 after reporting a marginal rise of 2% in its consolidated net profit at Rs 1,818 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 2011 on sequential basis. The company had reported a net profit of Rs 1,780 crore in the December quarter
Revenues for the fourth quarter ended March 2011, saw a quarter-on-quarter growth of 2% to Rs 7,250 crore. The net profit grew 17.1% on y-o-y, while revenues grew 22%,” Infosys said in a filing to the stock exchanges.
For the financial year ended March 2011, the IT bellwether posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 6,823 crore, up 10% over the year-ago period. The board has recommended a final dividend of Rs 20 a share for fiscal year 2011.