KEC International has moved higher by over 7% at Rs 72.70 after the company said it has secured new orders worth of Rs 1,511 crore in its transmission, power systems and cable business from India, Oman, Nepal and Americas.
The order includes, Rs 602 crore for design, supply and erection of 400 kV transmission line from Bhawan Engineering Company LLC in Oman.
The company also secured two orders worth of Rs 672 crore from Power Grid Corporation of India for supply and erection of 800 kV HVDC between Champa Pooling Station – Kurukshetra Transmission Line in Chhattisgarh on turnkey basis.
The stock opened at Rs 67.05 and touched high of Rs 74.40 on the NSE. A combined 1.1 million shares have changed hands on the counter so far against an average less than 200,000 shares that were traded daily in past ten trading days.