KSK Energy Ventures has hit the upper circuit filter of 10% at Rs 63.60, extending its previous day’s 5% gain, after its parent company KSK Power Venture Plc said that it expects a significant margin improvement in the coming year.
“The company anticipates Wardha Power to operate above 75% plant load factor (PLF) during the current year and achieve margin improvements as a result of lower reliance on imported/e-auction coal,” the KSK Group chairman T.L.Sankar, said while addressing shareholders of KSK Power Venture Plc.
“The underlying performance during the current year has been strong and improved from the previous year,” he added.
As many as a combined 151,809 shares have already changed hands on the counter till early noon deals, as against an average of less than 50,000 shares that were traded daily in past two weeks. There are pending buy orders 76,176 shares on the NSE and BSE.