Lead traded a shade lower at Rs 123.65 per kg in futures trade today after participants reduced their exposures amid sluggish demand from battery makers in the spot market amid a weak trend overseas.
At the Multi Commodity exchange, lead for delivery in June shed 35 paise, or 0.28%, to Rs 123.65 per kg in business turnover of 442 lots.
Metal prices for delivery in the July fell by a similar margin to trade at Rs 124.75 per kg in eight lots.
Market analysts said subdued demand from battery-makers in the domestic spot market and a weak trend in base metals at the London Metal Exchange led to the fall in lead futures prices.
At the Multi Commodity exchange, lead for delivery in June shed 35 paise, or 0.28%, to Rs 123.65 per kg in business turnover of 442 lots.
Metal prices for delivery in the July fell by a similar margin to trade at Rs 124.75 per kg in eight lots.
Market analysts said subdued demand from battery-makers in the domestic spot market and a weak trend in base metals at the London Metal Exchange led to the fall in lead futures prices.