Call | 70 | Buy | 4100 | Put | 25 | Buy |
What is a Gut? A Gut is also created by either buying or selling, a call and a put option. When we create this position by buying options, we create the Long Gut and by selling options, we create the Short Gut. |
The Put option has a higher strike price than the Call option. Table 2 and Chart 2 explain the pay off of a Nifty Long Gut. The total premium outlay is Rs 147.85 + Rs 53.6 = Rs 201.45. The breakeven points are 3937 and 4312. TABLE 2 LONG GUT | Strike Price | Option type | Price | Buy/Sell | 4100 | Call | 147.85 | Buy | 4200 | Put | 53.6 | Buy | |
The biggest difference between the two strategies is that, in a Strangle, the premium outlay is lesser than that in a Gut. In a Long Strangle, a person buys two out-of-money options whereas in a Gut both the options are in-the-money. |
Secondly, the maximum loss in case of a Long Strangle is limited to the total premium paid: Rs 95 in our example. But in the case of a Long Gut, the maximum loss is the total premium paid less the difference between the two strike prices. |
In our example, the premium paid is Rs 201.45 and the difference between the strike prices is 100 which ensures that the maximum loss cannot exceed Rs 101.45. |
THE STRATEGY On doing a comparative analysis of the examples above we see that the Strangles can be created with an outlay of Rs 95 with a no-profit range of 4004-4295. |
Similarly, the Gut can be created with an outlay of Rs 201.45 with a no-profit range of 3937 - 4312. The no-profit range for both the strategies is almost the same but the premium outlay is not. TABLE 3 LONG STRANGLE- SHORT GUT TABLE 5 | Strike Price | Option type | Price | Buy/Sell | | 4100 | Call | 147.85 | Sell | Short Gut | 4200 | Put | 53.6 | Sell | | 4200 | Call | 70 | Buy | Long Strangle | 4100 | Put | 25 | Buy | | 3900 | Call | 331 | Sell | Short Gut | 4250 | Put | 77.5 | Sell | | 4200 | Call | 78.2 | Buy | Long Strangle | 4100 | Put | 25.85 | Buy | | |
Thus, we would try to construct a more complex strategy by opening a trading position that is a combination of both these strategies. The idea is to sell the Gut and go long on the Strangle. Table 3, Table 4 and Chart 3 detail the pay off of this new structure. |
We have created a strategy that gives a risk-free gain of Rs 6.45 for the given combination of a Gut and a Strangle. This is a classic arbitrage situation where we have been able to exploit the inefficiencies in the market to the advantage of the trader. TABLE 4 PAY OFF OF DIFFERENT OPTIONS AT A GIVEN SETTLEMENT PRICE | Close Price | Sell Call 4100 | Sell Put 4200 | Gut Pay off | Buy Call 4200 | Buy Put 4100 | Strangle Pay Off | Gain | 3735 | 147.85 | -411.4 | -263.55 | -70 | 340 | 270 | 6.45 | 3768.2 | 147.85 | -378.2 | -230.35 | -70 | 306.8 | 236.8 | 6.45 | 3801.4 | 147.85 | -345 | -197.15 | -70 | 273.6 | 203.6 | 6.45 | 3834.6 | 147.85 | -311.8 | -163.95 | -70 | 240.4 | 170.4 | 6.45 | 3867.8 | 147.85 | -278.6 | -130.75 | -70 | 207.2 | 137.2 | 6.45 | 3901 | 147.85 | -245.4 | -97.55 | -70 | 174 | 104 | 6.45 | 3934.2 | 147.85 | -212.2 | -64.35 | -70 | 140.8 | 70.8 | 6.45 | 3967.4 | 147.85 | -179 | -31.15 | -70 | 107.6 | 37.6 | 6.45 | 4000.6 | 147.85 | -145.8 | 2.05 | -70 | 74.4 | 4.4 | 6.45 | 4033.8 | 147.85 | -112.6 | 35.25 | -70 | 41.2 | -28.8 | 6.45 | 4067 | 147.85 | -79.4 | 68.45 | -70 | 8 | -62 | 6.45 | 4100.2 | 147.65 | -46.2 | 101.45 | -70 | -25 | -95 | 6.45 | 4133.4 | 114.45 | -13 | 101.45 | -70 | -25 | -95 | 6.45 | 4166.6 | 81.25 | 20.2 | 101.45 | -70 | -25 | -95 | 6.45 | 4199.8 | 48.05 | 53.4 | 101.45 | -70 | -25 | -95 | 6.45 | 4233 | 14.85 | 53.6 | 68.45 | -37 | -25 | -62 | 6.45 | 4266.2 | -18.35 | 53.6 | 35.25 | -3.8 | -25 | -28.8 | 6.45 | 4299.4 | -51.55 | 53.6 | 2.05 | 29.4 | -25 | 4.4 | 6.45 | 4332.6 | -84.75 | 53.6 | -31.15 | 62.6 | -25 | 37.6 | 6.45 | 4365.8 | -117.95 | 53.6 | -64.35 | 95.8 | -25 | 70.8 | 6.45 | 4399 | -151.15 | 53.6 | -97.55 | 129 | -25 | 104 | 6.45 | 4432.2 | -184.35 | 53.6 | -130.75 | 162.2 | -25 | 137.2 | 6.45 | |
Another combination of a Long Strangle and a Short Gut that would give a low risk return is mentioned below in Table 5 and Chart 4. The maximum loss here is Rs 45.55 and maximum gain is Rs 154.45, resulting in a risk-reward ratio of 1: 3. |
Conclusion The markets do not price the instruments fairly and there is always a possibility of arbitrage. A combination of Strangles and Guts can be used to exploit these opportunities. Depending on the inefficiencies prevailing in the market, a trader can earn risk-less returns. |
In our analysis, we have ignored the brokerage, fees, the cost of capital and any other trading costs. These costs can change the pay-off profiles to the extent that the positions might not result in a positive pay-off. |
However, this approach can be very useful for the in-house trading desk of Financial Institutions and Banks. |
Note: All derivative prices are used for the NIFTY as on 18th May 2007 and can be downloaded from |