On BSE, so far 16,000 shares were traded in the counter as against average daily volume of 26,338 shares in the past one quarter. The stock hit a high of Rs 488 and a low of Rs 476 so far during the day. The stock had hit a record high of Rs 789 on 12 January 2016. The stock had hit a record low of Rs 303 on 29 September 2015.
Majesco announced that it has entered into an agreement with Glemham, a UK based managing general agent (MGA), to create a new cloud based bureau processing business using Majesco CloudInsurer to reduce the cost of transacting General Insurance in the UK market. Majesco CloudInsurer platform will be used to initially provide commercial lines insurance to both the broker and the small medium enterprise (SME) markets.
Based on the Majesco CloudInsurer platform, the business will deliver Net Rated products to all distribution channels, supporting full cycle processing across the Internet. Capacity is being provided by a number of different underwriters. Processing expense ratio in the business is expected to be around 5% versus the typical 14%-18% seen across the market.