The Bombay Stock Exchange’s mid-cap index fell 1.2 per cent and the small-cap index 1.4 per cent against the Sensex’s marginally higher closing. Among stocks, CORE Education dived 62 per cent, and Welspun Corp, Aanjaneya Lifecare and ABG Shipyard tumbled 20 per cent each.
While promoters pledge their shares as collateral for loans, large traders take bets on stocks through margin financing, where the financier part-funds their stocks or derivative positions. When bets turn awry and they are unable to bring in additional collateral or margin money, financers sell these.
A top CORE official denied market talk that financiers had sold a portion of the company promoters’ pledged shares. The CORE promoters have pledged about half their holdings.
“None of the shares it has pledged with institutions has been sold and it has confirmed with all the institutions that they continue to hold the same,” said Nikhil Morsawala, director, finance, CORE.
He said the company was yet to ascertain the reason behind the fall in the stock. “We are trying to find out the reason. We have spoken to the exchanges. We cannot confirm the reason, unless we have market data for it,” he said.
For the quarter ended December 31, the value of pledged shares as a percentage of the market cap of stocks of the companies with pledged shares fell to 10 per cent, said a report from Morgan Stanley. Of the 813 companies which had reported pledging in September 2012, about 20 have revoked these. An additional 30 companies reported fresh promoter pledging during December, said the report.