Ajay Parmar continues to remain fully invested in the market. His net worth stands at Rs 10.71 lakh, with a cash of just Rs 783. In the two trades he executed last week, he has invested in Anant Raj Industries and sold shares of TV18 which he had acquired ahead of the rights issue. He however continues to hold TV18 shares bought via rights issue. Parmar has 19 stocks in his portfolio, Orbit Corporation with a gain of 34.27 per cent is the top performer followed by Torrent Pharma and Sabero. On the other hand, TV18, Hinduja Ventures and Anant Raj Industries are the major under-performers in his portfolio.
Top Holdings | % of assets | Cost Price (Rs) | Current price (Rs) | Value (Rs lakh) |
Torrent Pharm | 10.73 | 269 | 328.35 | 1.15 |
Bhushan Steel | 9.37 | 1185.87 | 1338.10 | 1.00 |
Orbit Corp | 6.08 | 194.05 | 260.55 | 0.65 |
Sterlite Tech | 5.87 | 275.35 | 314.45 | 0.63 |
Sabero | 5.58 | 42.85 | 49.85 | 0.60 |
Total investments | 99.93 | - | - | 10.71 |
Cash | 0.07 | - | - | 0.01 |
Net worth | - | - | - | 10.71 |
Returns (%) | 7.13 | - | - | - |
Amar Ambani
Vice President (Research), India Infoline
Amar Ambani was in profit-booking mode, and was a net seller of stocks worth Rs 3.65 lakh. Out of the 10 trades he executed on the sell side, he made significant gains of 46.52 per cent on his investment in Indian Overseas Bank. Hanung Toys and Oracle Financial were the other major beneficiaries for him. He also booked marginal losses in partial stake sale in Aban Offshore and Reliance Capital. Meanwhile, he has bought shares of Anant Raj Industries and PVP Ventures. Ambani’s total investments now stand at Rs 7.30 lakh, with cash balance of Rs 3.39 lakh. He holds 15 stocks in his portfolio of which MRF up 25.69 per cent is the best performer followed by Lanco Infrastructure and Consolidated Construction. On the other hand, Suzlon, Dish TV and Punk Lloyd are the laggards.
Top Holdings | % of assets | Cost Price (Rs) | Current price (Rs) | Value (Rs lakh) |
Suzlon Energy | 7.72 | 93.68 | 84.25 | 0.83 |
MRF | 6.03 | 4659.70 | 5856.75 | 0.64 |
Lanco Infra | 5.03 | 437.25 | 512.50 | 0.54 |
IB Securities | 4.83 | 57.10 | 53.20 | 0.52 |
Ceat | 4.75 | 168.60 | 169.30 | 0.51 |
Total investments | 68.29 | - | - | 7.30 |
Cash | 31.71 | - | - | 3.39 |
Net worth | - | - | - | 10.69 |
Returns (%) | 6.91 | - | - | - |
Phani Sekhar
Fund Manager – PMS, Angel Broking
Phani Sekhar did not trade for the second week in a row. His total investments are valued at Rs 8.47 lakh, and he holds cash of Rs 1.87 lakh. He holds 11 stocks in his portfolio with 59.76 per cent of his total invested funds parked in the top five holdings. Crompton Greaves with a gain of 12.47 per cent is his best pick so far followed by eClerx and HDFC Bank. Bharati Shipyard, Bharti Airtel and Reliance are the three scrips pulling down his net worth.
Top Holdings | % of assets | Cost Price (Rs) | Current price (Rs) | Value (Rs lakh) |
Eclerx | 10.43 | 344.25 | 385.00 | 1.08 |
Federal Bank | 10.09 | 245.60 | 260.75 | 1.04 |
Axis Bank | 9.62 | 901.30 | 994.05 | 0.99 |
Reliance Infra | 9.53 | 1194.80 | 1231.10 | 0.98 |
Reliance | 9.31 | 2093.8 |