The market has witnessed a sharp turnaround in mid-morning trades as profit-taking in select old and new economy dragged the index into the red. The Sensex is now down 10 points at 6,610, while the Nifty is weaker by four points at 2,075.Reliance is down a per cent (Rs 4) at Rs 537 after early gains. ITC has extended its gains by 1.48% (Rs 20) to Rs 1,349, while HLL is still in the green at Rs 167 - up Rs 2Infosys, after a steady positive opening, has slipped a per cent (Rs 18) to Rs 2,085. While Wipro is down a rupee at Rs 406, Wipro is trading at higher levels with a per cent gain (Rs 6) at Rs 700.HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank are trading with marginal losses at Rs 570 and Rs 367, respectively. SBI is up a notch at Rs 656.HPCL is down a per cent (Rs 3) at Rs 365.Bharti has slipped into the red with a per cent loss (Rs 2) at Rs 217. BHEL has declined 1.66% (Rs 13) to Rs 783.While pharma counters are trading in the positive territory, cement and auto stocks have eased on profit-taking.