Maruti Suzuki India has gained 3% to Rs 3,840 on the NSE in early morning trade after the company reported a healthy 30% year on year (yoy) rise in total sales in April 2015 at 111,748 units against 86,196 units in the corresponding period last year.
The company said its domestic sales increased by 27% during the month to 100,709 units against 79,119 units in April 2014. Total export sales grew 56% at 11,039 units on yoy basis.
A combined 53,856 shares changed hands on the counter on the NSE and BSE till 0920 hours.
The company said its domestic sales increased by 27% during the month to 100,709 units against 79,119 units in April 2014. Total export sales grew 56% at 11,039 units on yoy basis.
A combined 53,856 shares changed hands on the counter on the NSE and BSE till 0920 hours.