McNally Bharat finally settled with a gains of 3.5% at Rs 136, after touching a high of Rs 138 and a low of Rs 131. The counter witnessed trades of 40,826 shares as against its two week average traded volume of 65,023 shares.
(Updated at 1034 hrs)
McNally Bharat has surged on bagging orders worth Rs 47 crore.
The stock today opened at Rs 133 and surged 5% to its upper circuit of Rs 138. It has slipped from its upper circuit and is now at Rs 137, up 4%. Around 17,562 stocks have been traded on the BSE so far.
The company informed the BSE that they have received two orders worth Rs 46.88 crore. The first order worth Rs 15.44 crore, is for Mauda Super Thermal Power Project, while the latter, for supply and installation of water-pre-treatment plant package for Barh Super Thermal Power Project, is valued at Rs 31.44 crore.
Recently the company also got an order from NTPC for Rs 81.93 crore for supply and installation related works.