The Bombay Stock Exchange will remain open for trading on Wednesday. Exchange officials said that the exchange was keeping all its systems and staff ready for trading. Arrangements have been made for the staff to stay back on Tuesday night and expectations are that the exchanges would function normally."We do not know what the response would be and how many traders would log in, but from our side we are keeping the systems ready," said a highly placed exchange official.NSE is expected to follow suit, though exchange officials could not be contacted to confirm the same.Meanwhile, Indian ADRs were trading down. Infy had lost 2.79 per cent and was trading in the range of $74.68 to $76.98. MTNL lost 2.98 per cent in early trade and was quoting at $6.28. VSNL shed close to 4.5 per cent and was trading at $16.52.Brokers and analysts foresee trading in the next few days to be impacted because of the implications of the serial blasts in Mumbai today. Bourses were poised to open to the results of Infosys on Wednesday morning, but the sentiment would be glum in the light of these blasts, they say.