Rice production in Odisha can reach 82 lakh tonne markby 2017-18, a 17% rise from the current level of about 70 lakh tonne through increased usage of high yielding varieties of rice, improving soil drainage, spreading rice-fish culture and taking other such measures, according to a study by the apexindustry body, the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham).
"Rainwater harvesting and storage, expansion of areaunder high-value cash crops and vegetables, improvement in seed supply to increase the seed replacement rate (SRR), soil treatment to improve the productivity of crops in acidic soils in the region, use of high yielding varieties for water logged and upland areas, discouraging rice cultivation inmarginal lands and diversifying in favour of oilseeds and pulses, utilisationof rice fallows are certain significant steps required to increase croppingintensity and crop productivity in Odisha," according to the study titled, 'Towards Second Green Revolutionin Eastern India: A Road Map'.
Rice productionin eastern region of India can reach about 670 lakh tonne by 2017-18 from thecurrent level of over 580 lakh tonne as the region holds tremendous potentialto emerge as 'Rice Bowl of India', as every quintal increase in yield wouldpush rice production by over two metric tonnes," the study added.
Eastern India contributes almost 55% area underrice that is over 23 million hectares, besides, this part of the country has abundantnatural resources including land, water and bio-diversity, thus, an integratedholistic approach coupled with a well-planned strategy is imperative to realizetargeted average agricultural growth rate of about four% in the easternregion," it added.
Neighbouring West Bengal spearheads the eastern Indiain paddy production to the tune of about 150 lakh tonne followed by eastern UttarPradesh (140 lakh tonne), Odisha (70 lakh tonne), Bihar (68 lakh tonne),Chhattisgarh (63 lakh tonne), Assam (47 lakh tonne) and Jharkhand (34 lakhtonne).
The industry body said that if the gap betweenpotential yield and actual yield in rice can be bridged in India, the easternregion can achieve a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of about ten%in rice production.
"Rice and fish production needs to be up-scaled ineastern region as it plays a significant role in socio-economic structure offarmers in the region, beside increased production of rice and fisheriesresources will also lead to growth in marketing infrastructure and spur jobcreation in post-harvest, marketing and other related spheres," said DS Rawat, national secretary general of Assocham while releasing the study.
"Greater dependence on unpredictable monsoon, recurringdrought and floods, low intensity during Kharif season, poor growth in spreadof high yielding varieties, injudicious use of fertilizers and other agriinputs, low seed replacement rate coupled with weak extension machinery andpoor credit facilities are major challenges faced by the region as it grappleswith sluggish productivity and production growth rate," said Rawat.
In its study, Assocham has suggested for using hybrids,inter-cropping, increased mechanization, use of micro nutrients, extensionsupport and demonstration centres that are key to raise productivity.
"Apart from rice (paddy) suitable evaluation ofpromoting other crops like maize, pulses and oilseeds should be undertaken foroptimum utilization of land and local needs in the region," said Rawat.
"Thereis also urgent need for efficient management of water resources as easternIndia is prone to rampant drought and floods", he added.Assocham has recommended that focused research inevolving hybrid seeds in developing transgenic rice should be undertaken toaddress problem of nutrients, pests, diseases, drought and floods.
Besides, objective evaluation of bio-products togetherwith extension of necessary subsidy is imperative to make them cost-effectiveand favorable for farmers as they are environment friendly and help in reducingtoxicity and carcinogens.Market linkages is another important factor highlighted in the Assocham study as increased production should be supported byremunerative price to the farmers, accompanied by suitable mechanism forprocurement in identified eastern states.
Stating that infrastructure is a pre-requisite toachieve the second green revolution in India, the industry chamber has suggestedfor conservation and conversion of water resources in the rural sector, timely and efficient flood control systems, production of low-cost bio-pesticides andfarm equipment and centres for agro-machinery services and agri-inputs.
For reducing the agricultural wastage it has suggestedfor creating a scientific storage, grading and cleaning centre. More than 20% of agricultural goods are wastedat various points when farm products move from farm till consumers' door-step.
It has also emphasized there is also a need to developfarmer friendly value addition process for better price realization,stabilization and consistency in quality. A cluster development approach is required to createmodern marketing infrastructure for better realization for farmers with valueaddition and reduced agri wastage, the industry body added.