You can pay all your bills whether electricity, mobile or credit card online. Today one can choose between using an independent bill payment service provider like and or you can even opt for the service through your bank.
Banks like HDFC, ICICI and Citi provide this service to their customers and bills can be paid through phone or net banking or via the ATM (Automatic teller machine).
The basic advantage to online bill payments is convenience. Different portals have different features. The advantage of the independent bill service provider is that you can hold any bank account and still use the facility.
However, you have to be a HDFC Bank account holder to use their service which is a requirement for the other banks providing the service as well. allows you to schedule future payments, issue standing instructions for automatic payments, use multiple bank accounts and it also provides you with an online archive of your bills.
All the service providers offer archival facilities for at least the last 36 months