The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has constituted a committee, headed by HDFC Bank chairman Jagdish Capoor, to look into issues relating to obtaining the Unique Identification Number (UIN) under the Sebi Central Database of Market Participants (Mapin) regulations. |
The terms of reference of the committee are to re-examine the coverage of MAPIN, that is the category of market participants and investors who would be required to obtain UIN, to suggest future implementation schedule based on the coverage and to review the cost of obtaining the UIN. |
The other members of the committee are C B Bhave, chairman and managing director, National Securities Depository, A K Narayan, president, Tamil Nadu Investors' Association, Deena Mehta, director, Securities Industry Association of India, A P Kurian, chairman, Association of Mutual Funds in India, and Prithvi Haldea, managing director, Prime Database, and V S Sundaresan, DGM, Sebi, would be the secretary of the committee. |
In response to appeals made by corporates and various investor association and individuals, Sebi has extended the deadline for obtaining UIN to December 31, 2005, from March 31, 2005. |