The company has bagged an order worth Rs 156.68 crore from Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) for the construction of a tunnel from Malabar Hill to Cross Maidan in the city of Mumbai. |
The stock appreciated 21.4 per cent in the last one week from Rs 345.30 on May 4 to close at Rs 419.05 on May 11 on BSE. The combined turnover of the stock on BSE and NSE has increased eight-fold to Rs 14.10 crore from Rs 17.12 lakh in the previous week. |
Patel Engineering will be the lead partner in a joint venture with Pratibha Industries that would execute the project. This is the second tunnel project company bagged by the company. Recently, the company had bagged the contract for building a tunnel from Veravali to Yari Road. |
Sonal Patel, whole-time director, "Going forward, we believe that urban infrastructure will gain momentum as huge investments are expected in various aspects of urban infrastructure including water supply and treatment systems, drainage systems and local transport infrastructure." |
"We expect to clinch several huge orders for hydroelectric and water supply projects from the central and various state governments in the coming months," she added. |