In range-bound movements, pepper traded a shade higher by 0.11 per cent at Rs 18,408 per quintal in futures market today on better demand at spot markets.
However, sluggish export demand and trend overseas limited gains.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange platform, pepper for delivery in November contract traded Rs 21, or 0.11 per cent higher, at Rs 18,408 per quintal, with an open interest of 4,679 lots.
Likewise, the spice for delivery in October contract also gained Rs 13, or 0.07 per cent, to Rs 18,188 per 100 kg, with an open interest of 9,131 lots.
Analysts said better demand at spot markets, following the ongoing festive and marriage season helped pepper to trade higher at futures market but sluggish export and weak trend overseas capped gains in spice prices at futures market.