Pratibha Industries has rallied 10% to Rs 43 on the BSE in otherwise weak market after the company announced that it has secured order worth of Rs 1,024 crore from Government of Telangana for water supply.
The company secured work order worth Rs 1,024 crore from Government of Telangana for providing drinking water including operation and maintenance," Pratibha Industries, the infrastructure company says in its filing.
The contract is for 10 years after commissioning. The project is to be completed within 30 months from commencement date.
At 10:07 AM, the stock was up 6% at Rs 41.80 on the BSE as compared to 0.38% decline in S&P BSE Sensex. The trading volumes on the counter more than doubled with a combined 772,279 shares changed hands on the BSE and NSE so far.
The company secured work order worth Rs 1,024 crore from Government of Telangana for providing drinking water including operation and maintenance," Pratibha Industries, the infrastructure company says in its filing.
The contract is for 10 years after commissioning. The project is to be completed within 30 months from commencement date.
At 10:07 AM, the stock was up 6% at Rs 41.80 on the BSE as compared to 0.38% decline in S&P BSE Sensex. The trading volumes on the counter more than doubled with a combined 772,279 shares changed hands on the BSE and NSE so far.