The stock touched a low of Rs 257 and a high of Rs 273. It finally ended with a gain of 6% at Rs 270. Around 6.94 lakh shares were traded on the BSE as compared to the two-week daily average trade of 2.10 million shares.
(Updated at 0946 hrs)
Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) firm on 49% net up.
The stock opened at Rs 260 and is now trading at Rs 259.The counter has clocked volumes of 0.26 lakh shares on the BSE.
The company has posted a 48.7% rise in net profit for the quarter ended December 2009 on the back of loan disbursements.
Net profit of Rs 474 crore was registered in the three months ended December compared with Rs 318.6 crore posted in the corresponding period in the previous year.