Shares of Reliance Industries (RIL) have moved higher by 2% at Rs 1,032, bouncing back 3% from intra-day low of Rs 1,000 on the BSE, after block deals aggregating over Rs 600 crore executed in the counter.
About 6.06 million equity shares representing 0.19% of total equity of RIL changed hands at 11:15 a.m., the BSE data shows.
The names of buyers and sellers are not immediately known.
At 12:05 p.m. the stock was up 1.7% at Rs 1,028 on the BSE as compared to 0.34% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. A combined 9.01 million shares changed hands on the counter on the BSE and NSE.
On the NSE, the stock was up 1.6% at Rs 1,030. It touched high of Rs 1,033 and low of Rs 1,017 so far.
About 6.06 million equity shares representing 0.19% of total equity of RIL changed hands at 11:15 a.m., the BSE data shows.
The names of buyers and sellers are not immediately known.
At 12:05 p.m. the stock was up 1.7% at Rs 1,028 on the BSE as compared to 0.34% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. A combined 9.01 million shares changed hands on the counter on the BSE and NSE.
On the NSE, the stock was up 1.6% at Rs 1,030. It touched high of Rs 1,033 and low of Rs 1,017 so far.