The Sensex has further pared losses from its earlier lows to 7,115 (down 5 pts) as Reliance stocks including other heavyweights have rebounded into the green, while auto and pharma stocks continue to trade with impressive gains. The Nifty, too, has curbed its losses to 2,180 - down four points.Reliance Industries has rolled back into the green with a per cent gain (Rs 4) at Rs 654, while Reliance Energy has upped its gains by 1.17% (Rs 8) to Rs 653. ONGC (up Rs 2 to Rs 955) and HLL (up Rs 2 or 1.61% to Rs 158) are trading with steady gains.Hero Honda has advanced 2.96% (Rs 17) to Rs 595. Bajaj (up Rs 6 to Rs 1,318) and Maruti (up Rs 3 to Rs 468) are holding on to their respective gains.Ranbaxy has added 1.61% (Rs 18) to Rs 1,115, while Cipla is up a per cent (Rs 4) at Rs 315.HDFC Bank is still down a per cent (Rs 3) at Rs 576. ICICI Bank (down Rs 2 to Rs 416) and SBI (down Rs 2 to Rs 681) have curbed their losses.Hindalco has notched up 1.80% gains (Rs 22) to Rs 1,216. Bharti has dropped 1.91% (Rs 5) to Rs 234.Infosys at Rs 2,315 (down Rs 28 or 1.21%) is unchanged from its earlier loss. While Satyam has shed 1.68% (Rs 9) to Rs 499, Wipro is down a per cent (Rs 5) at Rs 751. TCS, however, is still trading with a per cent gain (Rs 8) at Rs 1,315.