The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is likely to ask the High Level Capital Markets Commitee to take a call on the UTI-SSgA-Global Titans Index Fund, a new scheme by the UTI Mutual Fund. |
According to the prospectus filed with Sebi, the fund proposes to invest in stocks comprising the Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index. |
However, some of these companies do not have any investment in any Indian company. Under current regulations, such investments stipulate that the companies invested in should have a minimum 10 per cent stake in any Indian listed firm. |
Sebi officials said the matter would be referred to the high level panel "since the final decision is up to the Reserve Bank of India". |
UTIMF officials said they were in talks with Sebi on the issue. The prospectus of the equity-oriented scheme was filed a couple of weeks back. |
Ashutosh Bishnoi, chief of marketing, UTIMF, said, "We are in no hurry since we know that it would take some major policy changes. It is an experimental offering from us." |
Among the major names in the Dow Jones index are General Electric, Exxon Mobil Corp, Microsoft Corp, Citigroup, BP PLC, Intel Corp, Bank of America Corporation, Vodafone Group PLC, Johnson & Johnson, American International Group Inc, HSBC Holdings PLC, IBM Corp, Cisco Systems Inc, Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Procter & Gamble Co, among others. |
Companies in the list such as GE, Microsoft, Vodafone, Intel, IBM do not fulfil the basic criteria under which such investments can be made. The prospectus says: "The Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index presents an opportunity for money managers to create investible products based on these internationally based, globally oriented companies that investors know and trust." |