The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Saturday opened its Chandigarh local office to facilitate the redressal of investor grievances against listed companies and market intermediaries, spread investor education and financial literacy and process the applications for investment advisers.
The Chandigarh office will be under the administrative control and jurisdiction of Sebi’s northern regional office at New Delhi.
The office was today inaugurated by Anand Sinha, deputy governor, the Reserve Bank of India, and member of the Sebi Board, in the presence of Sebi chairman U K Sinha.
For promoting a balanced pan-India securities market and in order to bring physical proximity of its offices to investors and intermediaries, the regulator has decided to open local offices in various parts of the country.
Sebi has already opened local offices at Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar and Kochi.
The Chandigarh office will be under the administrative control and jurisdiction of Sebi’s northern regional office at New Delhi.
The office was today inaugurated by Anand Sinha, deputy governor, the Reserve Bank of India, and member of the Sebi Board, in the presence of Sebi chairman U K Sinha.
For promoting a balanced pan-India securities market and in order to bring physical proximity of its offices to investors and intermediaries, the regulator has decided to open local offices in various parts of the country.
Sebi has already opened local offices at Indore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar and Kochi.