The government is making an arrangement for market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) to get access to call data records of people being probed by it in specific cases, but it will not get power to directly tap the phone calls, Finance Minister P Chidambaram has said.
“...Some arrangement is being made that the call data records will be supplied through the agencies entitled to get them to Sebi,” Chidambaram said. “They (Sebi) won’t have the power to directly tap into the phone calls. Records can be made available to them by the authorities concerned. Some progress is being made,” he said.
He was replying to queries about Sebi seeking access to call data records of people being investigated by it in cases related to the stock markets. Asked about intelligence reports of some terror groups pumping money into the stock market, Chidambaram said he was sure Sebi would look into the matter if tainted money was flowing into the stock market.
Observing that the matter falls under the jurisdiction of the Home Ministry, Chidambaram said: “I can’t conduct an enquiry into terror groups putting money into the stock market. If tainted money is flowing into the stock market, I’m sure Sebi will look into it. Intelligence reports are shared with Sebi also. I’ve no machinery to look into it, except Sebi.”
On Sebi's demand for access to call data records, Chidambaram said: “I think some progress was made to make available to Sebi the call data records in specific cases, where an investigation is being done and they want call data records, I think some progress is being made, some arrangement is being made...”