Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) chairman G N Bajpai today said the registrars of the recently-concluded public issues will be penalised if they were found mishandling issues. |
Bajpai told Business Standard, " I don't want to comment specifically on the performance of any particular registrar. But I can tell you that if their performance was not up to the mark, they will be penalised." |
The Sebi chief could not recall the exact time limit by which an investor was supposed to get the allotment, or the refund. But he added that a violation of the norms will "definitely" attract penalty. |
A furore was created when some registrars failed to manage a handful of issues, particularly those introduced by the government. |
MCS Ltd was the subject of most intense criticism after it misallotted shares to investors who applied for the ONGC issue and later withdrew a portion of the allotment from their demat accounts. |