The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) today said it would relax norms for start-up IPOs. Sebi has cut post listing lock-in period for start-up promoters to six months, as against three years for other IPOs.
The market regulator has also approved fast-track issuance of IPOs for larger number of companies, and has decided to shorten listing period after IPO from 12 days to six days.
According to Sebi Chairman UK Sinha, exchanges will have separate trading platform for start-ups from new age sectors, and 25% stake to be with institutional investors.
Sinha said the merger of commodity regulator FMC with capital markets watchdog Sebi would be completed by September 2015.
Sinha said the merger of commodity regulator FMC with capital markets watchdog Sebi would be completed by September 2015.