The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has been mandated to set up a training institute for the capital markets, which will provide comprehensive inputs to investors on securities. |
In his Budget speech today, Union finance minister P Chidambaram said that his aim was to strengthen the capital market and to take the reforms one step further from his July 2004 announcements. |
The finance minister authorised Sebi to set up a National Securities Training Institute for teaching and training people in securities. Former Sebi chief G N Bajpai had mooted the idea of setting up an institute for providing training to people in the securities market. |
Though nothing concrete was done about it then, he had said that the UTI Institute of Capital Markets would also be roped into this exercise. |
While details were not available, the institute is expected to set up either in Mumbai or Pune, which is seen as a more friendly city in terms of infrastructure and better placed to house an institute. |
Mumbai is also to be developed into a major global financial hub. Chidambaram said that Mumbai was situated between the two key financial centres of London and Tokyo - both economic powerhouses in their own right. |
Sebi and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have been entrusted with the responsibility of drawing up a blue-print whereby Mumbai can emerge as a finance hub in this part of the world. |
The National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange are ranked third and fifth among the international securities exchanges in terms of daily trading", the FM pointed out. |
Incidentally, the finance minister has made Budget allocations for major infrastructure projects in Mumbai such as the Mumbai Metro Rail, Trans-Harbour Link, and Western Express Highway Development. |