The Sensex is now up 108 points at 17,008.Satyam has zoomed 4.4% to Rs 430. Wipro and ICICI have as soared 4% each to Rs 453 and Rs 1,028, respectively.HDFC has rallied 3.7% to Rs 2,484. Infosys and TCS have surged around 3% each to Rs 1,826 and Rs 1,030, respectively.Tata Steel and Cipla have gained 1.5% each at Rs 755 and Rs 172, respectively. SBI has advanced over 1% to Rs 1,825.Reliance and Reliance Energy have dropped 2.3% each to Rs 2,345 and Rs 1,063, respectively.HDFC Bank and Hindalco have declined 1.7% each to Rs 1,374 and Rs 165, respectively.Tata Motors and Maruti are down over 1% each at Rs 732 and Rs 981, respectively.Out of 2,729 stocks traded so far, 1,627 have advanced, 1,036 have declined and 66 are unchanged.