With an array of big-ticket IPOs and public offers worth over Rs 64,000 crore lined up, analysts expect the bullish note to continue on the bourses with the Sensex crossing 7,000 in 2005 and then scaling 10,000 by 2010."Given the number of issues, including some big ones, by banks and big corporates, the Sensex could cross 7,000 in 2005," IDBI Capital's investment head Ananta P Sharma said.He said the market is expected to grow at the pace of over 30% over the next 4-5 years. "The Sensex is likely to touch 10,000 points with more offers hitting the market in the next 4-5 years," he added.ICICI Prudential Life chief financial officer Sandeep Batra said the BSE Sensex touching 7,000 is quite likely in 2005. "But by 2010, the Sensex will be 10,000 points. In the next five years, the market will definitely grow by 20-30%," he said.Prithvi Haldea of Prime Database said issues worth Rs 40,000 crore were expected to hit the market this year. "It is not possible to predict that Sensex will cross 7,000 this year. But it is quite possible that Sensex will cross 10,000 by 2010." For this to happen, participation of retail and domestic institutional investors should increase significantly. This would also ensure that the risks of market crash due to FII outflows come down."More investment by retail investors, banks, pension and insurance companies in the capital market will stabilise the market," Haldea said.