The Sensex has rebounded into the positive zone and rallied to a new all-time intra-day high. The index is now up 46 points at 20,337.HDFC has zoomed over 5% to Rs 3,099. Tata Steel has soared 3.5% to Rs 865.NTPC and Reliance Communications have surged 3% each to Rs 250 and Rs 761, respectively.Cipla and ONGC have gained 2% each at Rs 199 and Rs 1,263, respectively.Bharti Airtel has advanced 1.6% to Rs 1,047, and Hindalco has added 1% to Rs 202.Infosys has plunged 3.7% to Rs 1,678. Satyam has shed 2.2% at Rs 432, and Wipro has slipped 1.4% to Rs 498.ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank are down 1% each at Rs 1,302 and Rs 1,756, respectively.Out of 2,902 stocks traded so far, 2,081 have advanced, 783 have declined and 38 are unchanged.