The Sensex is now down 100 points at 18,015.The NSE Nifty is down 42 points at 5,261.Tata Motors has plunged 3% to Rs 729. BHEL, DLF and ONGC have slipped around 2% each to Rs 2,213, Rs 862 and Rs 1,014, respectively.Wipro and Satyam have shed 1.7% each at Rs 413 and Rs 431, respectively.Grasim, ITC and TCS have declined around 1.5% each at Rs 2,770, Rs 200 and Rs 859, respectively.HDFC and Reliance are down 1% each at Rs 2,891 and Rs 2,566, respectively.Reliance Energy has gained 2% at Rs 1,745. ICICI Bank has moved up 1.7% to Rs 1,211.Tata Steel and Mahindra & Mahindra have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 830 and Rs 627, respectively.Hindustan Unilever, Reliance Communications and Ranbaxy are up around 1% each at Rs 214, Rs 618 and Rs 400, respectively.