The Sensex is now down 106 points at 14,348.Tata Motors and ITC have dropped 2.5% each to Rs 708 and Rs 167, respectively. Reliance Communications and Ranbaxy have slipped 2.3% each to Rs 511 and Rs 390, respectively.ONGC has shed 1.7% to Rs 911. SBI, Maruti and Gujarat Ambuja have declined 1.5% each to Rs 1,305, Rs 818 and Rs 115, respectively.ICICI Bank and ACC are down over 1% each to Rs 918 and Rs 880, respectively.Tata Steel has zoomed 4.8% to Rs 658. Reliance Energy has soared 3.8% to Rs 572.HLL has rallied 2.5% to Rs 695. BHEL has advanced 1.5% to Rs 2,715, and Hero Honda has added 1.2% to Rs 695.Out of 2,633 stocks traded so far, 1,614 have declined, 937 have advanced and 82 are unchanged.